Legal information

Legal information

The ONLINE presence of the Miss-Lefort brand is managed by the companies :
Cyrion Sàrl, which publishes and operates the brand and the website + sends products through Switzerland only.
& Binary Balloon LDA which sends all products through EU and out EU.

Cyrion Sàrl is a Swiss company entered in the business register of the canton of Valais under the number: CH-626.4.020.224-2
Binary Balloon LDA is a portuguese company.

Cyrion Sàrl specialises in website management, security, storage, shipping and order tracking. Cyrion Sàrl also specialises in blockchain via NFTs and the drafting of smart contracts. It subcontracts the websites of several groups in order to ensure that customers have due access at all times and that their orders are carefully monitored.

Contact info:

Miss-Lefort – Cyrion Sàrl
Route du Funiculaire 9
CH-3961 Saint-Luc

UIN : CHE-398.929.168
UID : CH-626.4.020.224-2

Avenida Liberdade, Número 129, 5 D, Lisboa

Customer Service

You can join us
From Tuesday to Friday, 10-16:
+41 27 525 37 11

E-mail :

Bank details:
Banque UBS

Cyrion Sàrl
Route du Funiculaire 9
CH-3961 Saint-Luc

IBAN : CH7800 2682 681245 9301H

ige rgbTrademark: Click here to check